Matsutake - the world's most expensive mushrooms
They are horded in Japan, savored for their leathery, earthly, almost sexual aroma and thick meatlike texture. However its impossible to farm these little bastards. They form a symbiotic relationship to certain roots of certain types of trees, and you have to know the ins and outs of the forests of the Pacific Northwest in order to know the hot spots.

Mendocino County and Ukiah are rich with matsutakes. However, no one will ever let you know about their secret spot. Some collect these as a hobby and past-time, and others are in it for the cash. Just a 30 minute trip above Ukiah there is a small town called Willits, where collectors trade in their matsutakes... for some reason, at make-shift shops in motel rooms. It always feels like you're purchasing drugs.

or this.

Here's the store! A chinese woman has somehow mastered the trade. She buys them from local gathers and then sells them to larger companies.
They divide them into three categories - grade 1, 2, and 3. The best - grade 1 - are younger and their bell has not yet blossomed. Each grade 1 mushroom is worth between $40-120 in Japan.
Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Super Duper Grade 1 Matsutake

One day I will become a Professional Matsutake Mushroom Collector. Here's a video of some guys finding them.
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